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It Is Well With My Soul

This hymn I sang at my uncle Brian's funeral, many years ago now, has always had such a huge impact on me. I broke down during the last few words of the last verse, I couldn't keep the tears back any longer. As my voice carried out over the church pews at the beautiful Metropolitan United Church in Toronto, I was in shock that this hymn my uncle taught me was now being sung for the purpose for which it was taught, his funeral. The words, 'It is well with my soul', gave a finality to the ceremony but not a finality to my singing. Although I felt ripped off at the time that God took someone so precious and integral away from me, I knew that a seed had been planted in me that would grow little by little throughout the experiences and forward movements of my life. What this means to me is that NO MATTER WHAT, we must share our gifts that God has blessed us with. My gift had been a blessing in the final days to someone who loved me and to other family and witnesses as we all shared together in its complexity. It provided comfort and literally a 'voice' to the joy, pain, and love that was in us all. This is not bragging, this is 'thanking', and this is a reminder to me that I will always sing my voice in any capacity I am able. Because besides being blessed to be able to Love others, I was blessed with a voice that can speak my hearts deepest pain, joy, and desires. As I walk forward just simply loving others and doing what I was gifted with I am planting my seeds for tomorrow and no matter what happens I will do just that. And whatever life brings, it is all 'well with my soul'.


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